Grazie al suo rivoluzionario sistema con un microfono di calibrazione a 4 capsule, il primo room correction system che ricostruisce in tridimenzionale la sala, facendola letteralmente sparire ! Unupgrade per qualsiasi impianto, lavorando in digitale NON influisce sul segnale e non diminuisce la qualità del sistema. L'abbiamo istallato con successo su molti impianti HI-END reference.
Trinnov ST2 fr. 6'900.00 calibrazione in loco INCLUSA !

Cosa né hanno detto:
The ST2-HiFi is a powerful tool capable of sublimating any audio installation in any room, and with an interesting choice of configurations. Considering its price, it will be used in advanced installations, but its performance will be absolutely obvious in all cases.
Laurent Thorin,VUmètre (France)
The ST2-HiFi is a powerful tool capable of sublimating any audio installation in any room, and with an interesting choice of configurations. Considering its price, it will be used in advanced installations, but its performance will be absolutely obvious in all cases.
Laurent Thorin,VUmètre (France)
Only in the acoustically optimized listening room can a playback system prove its sound quality. The Trinnov ST2-HiFi is intended to replace acousticians and extensive building projects and create true sound wonders.
Harald Wittig, (Germany)
Where Lyngdorf, Dirac and other solutions failed to impress me, The Trinnov ST2-HiFi is instrumental with any practical results, which transcends the musicality of any source.
Matej Isak, Mono & Stereo
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